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Lore and Mechanics

Homebrew Rules

All the homebrew rules we are using for your convenience

Death Condition

When your hit points are equal to 0, you fall prone and gain this condition.

At the start of your turn you roll a death saving throw (this functions like normal) on your turn you can use your action, bonus action, or move (at half speed).

Once you use one of those actions your turn ends.

If you use your action, you gain 3 levels of exhaustion.

If you use your bonus action,you gain 1 level of exhaustion.

While you have this condition you cannot use any of your actions to stand up from prone.

If you use your reaction while you are dying, you gain 1 level of exhaustion.

Long resting

Every kind of food is assigned a class and each class has a different value. Each player character taking a long rest requires a total value of 10 to gain a full long rest.

  • Meat - 5

  • Vegetables - 4

  • Carbs - 3

  • Non-alcoholic drinks - 1

  • Alcohol - 2

More Martial Actions

Proficiency with the weapon is required for these affects


  • Slashing weapons cause bleeding. 1hp at the start of the targets turn until they heal or stop the bleeding.

  • While using a polearm your ac increases by 1.

  • Daggers gain a +5 bonus against heavy armour (stabbing between the plates)

  • Arrows stay in the target and do 1d4 damage each time the target moves until removed.

  • Bludgeoning melee attacks can shift a creature by the amount of damage (in 5 foot increments) if your strength is above 14

Specific Attacks (each is usable up to your proficiency bonus)

  • Backbreaker - The target must make a con save against your strength or be knocked prone.

  • Brace (Melee) - As a bonus action spend half your movement and for the rest of your turn, roll melee damage twice and use the highest result.

  • Brace (Ranged) - As a bonus action spend all your movement and for the rest of your turn, your damage rolls for your ranged weapon have advantage, but you can't move.

  • Cleave - Swing your weapon in a large arc to attack multiple enemies at once. You can hit the three squares directly in front of you.

  • Pommel Strike - As a bonus action make a non-lethal attack with the other end of your weapon against an enemy to possibly Daze them. They must make a con save against your strength or get disadvantage on all rolls until the end of their next turn.

  • Shoke - As a bonus action you can make a contested athletics check, on a success you push your target back 5 feet.

  • Topple - You can attempt to knock a target prone, they must make a dex save against your dex or fall prone


Meet the pantheon.

Here you will find some basic information about the array of gods in the world, each based off one of the lovely members of a Twitch stream community.

Dragon Princes

This is the blanket term for people selected by a Warden Dragon from it's horde to be the their successor. Each kind of dragon selects their prince and prepares them in a different way, there is even variation within the same species.

Sorcerer dragons, known as archon dragons, form close-knit communities where members share strong bonds and receive sorcerer powers through proximity. Archon dragons seek out the powerless and offer them a sense of power and community. The dragon selects the member of it's horde who is most loyal to their community.

How they work

Archon (Sorcerer) Dragons

Horde the disenfranchised or strange, either using them for evil or nurturing them

Magus (Wizard) Dragons

Horde spellcasters but only those who must learn to be able to cast spells

Wizard dragons, known as magus dragons, gather vast knowledge and academic structures through their horde building. Their hordes take the form of universities most commonly but could also be a library or another place of knowledge. The dragon selects their successor from the highest intellects, encouraging in fighting to get selected.

Patron (Warlock) Dragons

Horde the desperate, giving them power 

Warlock dragons, known as patron dragons, make deals with desperate individuals to join their horde and grant them power. They can choose how much power to grant and can foster devotion among their horde. The process of becoming a warlock dragon involves selecting a horde mate to inherit their power through a ritual.


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